I’ve gone back into my bookshelves to dig up a few interesting books, and also spent time watching a few very interesting documentaries. In this blog post I list some of the titles of these books and films, with links to where you might be able to find them
The General’s Enemy: Depression
“Asking for help is not weakness—it is a sign of strength,” Major General Pittard wrote on the blog he maintained while in charge of his army base. “It takes an amazing amount of courage and strength to take the first step; individuals should be encouraged and commended, not condemned.”
Counselling for Men: Seeking Solutions
More and more men are finding their way to a counsellor. Sparring with an impartial outsider can help resolve some of the blockages a man might experience. Whether it is love, fatherhood, sexuality or career: counselling can clarify and lighten the burden.
Midlife Crisis in Men: Myth or Reality?
The midlife crisis in men has, so far, been elusive to prove. This difficulty could mean a few things: either midlife crisis does not exist, or – if it exists – shows itself in so many different ways and/or at so many different ages that it is impossible to draw scientifically valid conclusions.