Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there lies a field. I will meet you there.
Mevlana Jelaluddin Rumi
Aernout Zevenbergen – English-speaking Counsellor in Nyon and Lausanne
I believe that people are the experts of their own lives. Your skills, desires and needs are the starting point for our interaction during counselling. On the other hand: my training and experience as a counsellor are your guarantee that our work together can lead to solutions, healing and growth.
NEW: Relational Life Therapy is now available in Switzerland for couples and individuals from all ages, backgrounds, or orientations. As an officially Certified RLT Counsellor I work with this effective and profound approach to couples and marriage counselling, designed and pioneered by Terry Real.

I offer two types of engagement: face-to-face counselling in the centre of Nyon or in Lausanne and online counselling (confidential and secure).
If you are considering counselling, you might be curious to read more about what this involves, or you might be wondering what the difference is between counselling and psychotherapy.
It could even be that you are exploring counselling for a loved one.

Counselling in Nyon and Lausanne: Healing & Growth
"What does it mean to be a (wo)man, today? What is the longing of my soul? How can I be true to myself, and those near and dear to me? How can I be a force of positivity in the life of my community, my country, and our world?" If any of the above questions resonate with you, or if there is something else you would like to pay attention to, please don't hesitate to get in touch with me.Who we are and what we do are influenced by the stories that we tell about ourselves.David Denborough
Testimonial on Couples Work
Life has a habit of throwing up issues and hurdles - that is to be expected. Apart from moments of joy and contentment, we also face losses, disappointments, ruptures and cracks. But, as Leonard Cohen sang: "There's a crack in everything; that's how the light gets in."
Cracks lead to self-exploration and that in itself is an adventure; sometimes arduous. As a counsellor I can offer guidance, inspiration and a mirror so you can walk the path you choose to walk.***
Psyche originally meant "soul" and therapeia meant "care" - psychotherapy therefore means "care for the soul". And that is exactly what I believe lies at the heart of my counselling and coaching: to help clients find ways of improving their own care for their own souls.
We have discovered a world we were not aware existed. We’re trained academically, much in our lives is about efficiency. It all worked but we missed out on so much in life. You’ve shown us the way to go inside. Your capacity to see people so precisely and completely is just beautiful and freeing. Sometimes it’s pure magic and you seem to see things about either of us that we ourselves would find hard to give words to. You make it appear from behind a veil, with kindness and curiosity. Thank you for helping us make our lives fuller, with more depth and nuance. Married Couple
Personal Growth: An Inspiring Adventure

The shoe that fits one person pinches another; there is no recipe for living that suits all cases.
Carl Jung
Carl Jung